
TypeScript is a programming language that builds on JavaScript by adding something called "types." Types help you define what kind of data your code is working with, like numbers, text, or objects. This makes your code easier to understand and helps you avoid mistakes before you even run your program.

For example, in JavaScript, you can accidentally use a number where the code expects text, which might cause errors. With TypeScript, you can specify what type of data is allowed, so it warns you about the mistake before your program runs. This is especially helpful in large projects, where keeping track of data can get complicated.

TypeScript is designed to work seamlessly with JavaScript, meaning you can start with your existing JavaScript code and gradually add TypeScript features. It doesn’t replace JavaScript but enhances it by catching errors early and making your code more reliable. Once your TypeScript code is ready, it gets converted into plain JavaScript so it can run in any browser or environment.

Even though TypeScript is more advanced than JavaScript, it’s still beginner-friendly because you can learn it step by step. If you’re new to programming, starting with JavaScript and then exploring TypeScript is a great path. It’s widely used in modern web development, and learning it can make you a more confident and efficient programmer.